Press Release – EndoGuard™ Biostim SI Registration

Adjuvants Plus Inc., of Kingsville Ontario, announces the registration of a unique biological inoculant that strengthens root development for all crops. ENDOGUARD™ BIOSTIM SI, powered by the highly active strain of Clonostachys rosea, is now registered and available for Canadian agriculture.

The uniqueness of Clonostachys rosea is the ability of this competitive microbial endophyte to establish long lasting, protective colonies outside and inside roots. EndoGuard Biostim SI improves the soil health around the roots, increases root hair production, improves germination and emergence, and remains active on the roots for the life of the crop.

The competitive action helps block out other organisms and establishes a symbiotic relationship with Rhizobia, Glomus, and several other beneficial microbes. The organism exudes large protein molecules that place micronutrients in the reduced state for easy uptake and translocation.

Micronutrients are a limiting factor as they are captured and inactivated inside the crop plant by organic acid herbicides such as glyphosate, glufosinate, 2,4-D, dicamba, MCPA etc. Micronutrient availability assists in reducing or eliminating growth delays associated with herbicide injury. Rapid replacement of micronutrients within the resistant or tolerant crop assists in earlier maturity with higher quality and greater yield.

An additional benefit of EndoGuard Biostim SI is improved Nitrogen fixation by Rhizobia.

“We are very excited about introducing EndoGuard Biostim SI”, says Dr. Bill Brown, president of Adjuvants Plus Inc. “The really exciting thing about ENDOGUARD BIOSTIM SI is it’s ability to strengthen the crop to defend against abiotic stresses such as drought or cool soils and stimulate the crop to supply micronutrients to overcome the lag in crop development caused by chelating chemicals”.

“We are focused on delivering exceptional value to the grower”.

William G Brown, PhD. President

Adjuvants Plus Inc. 106 Wigle Ave. Unit 8. Kingsville, Ontario. N9Y 2J8

ENDOGUARD BIOSTIM SI – Stronger roots, more natural defences, faster plant development, higher yields.

For more information call: 1-877-512-4659 or visit:

EndoGuard is a trademark of Adjuvants Plus Inc.

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Adjuvants Plus holds several patents,  patents pending world wide, licensed technology world wide and has U.S. and Canadian registered trademarks for most of its major products. Our passion for research has led to several innovations in the crop protection industry using both conventional chemistry and biologicals. Our product development standards are set very high and driven by finding unique / novel patented solutions to help growers improve crop production efficiency and yield in a sustainable system.